Friday 8 November 2013

TedX talks: Steve Howard, Let's go all in on selling sustainability.

      Steve has worked on sustainability for about 25 years in total. He wanted to maximise his personal impact on the world, and thus joining Ikea. He starts by mentioning 3 numbers.
These 3 numbers are 3, 6 and 12.
3 for 3 billion people joining the middle class by 2030, coming out of poverty. In addition to the already existing 2 billion, it adds up to a total of 5 billion people, making it a big challenge due to the already scarce resources we have now.
6 for 6 degrees centigrade. This is where we are heading for global warming. This will cause a lot of environmental changes and impacts.
12, for the number of cities that had 1 million people in the last century. Currently, there are over 500 cities with a million or more people.
   Today we have choices, stating that we can and should make beautiful, functional, affordable and sustainable products. For example, lighting such as LED lights produce light and emit little heat compared to incandescent lights that emit heat and little light. These LED lights save energy and can last much longer.
   He states that a 100% target in sustainability is easier, as it is much clearer. He ends with saying, measure what you care about and lead the change and that sustainability has lead from nice to do, to must do.

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