Sunday 3 November 2013

TEDX talk: The promise of bicycle urbanism, Florian Lorenz TEDxVienna

   This talk is about using bicycle urbanism to create future cities. People use bicycles to adapt to cities and not use bicycles to create cities. He talks about his project, Bicycle 2.0, which is building a city with and for the bicycle.

   He went to Beijing and realised that the culture of travelling around using bicycles was dying. He started to work with SCC on a research that documents Beijing's urban lives around bicycles, as it was eroding away at a fast pace. In Beijing, there are many functions happening via bicycles, so it is a very important lifestyle there. These functions range from mobile kitchens to even dentists.

   Cities especially face 3 major challenges. The challenges are;
- Mobilising a growing population with the limited space
- Adapting transport systems at such a high demand
- Reducing footprint of urban mobility systems.

   Florian has suggested 3 proposals to Vienna for bicycle urbanism. The 3 proposals are;
- Scale from urban planning:
To create zones for democratic flow in Vienna. It is where traffic regulations are removed, making people feel uncertain. Therefore, every traffic participant is equal. This will lead to an inclusion of traffic participants.

- Community building
To introduce bicycle livelihoods. He is part of a project that is working on pedal powered incubators. There are 2 types of incubators, ne is a creative cultural incubator, fitted to provide capacity for media production. The 2nd type is the gardening incubator, providing storage for tools and also a vehicle to transport goods.

- Urban visioning
Promoting creative capital for urban cycling. He worked on a programme, cycling visionary awards, to create new ideas and make them visible to the global cycling community.

   He believes that the bicycle is a catalyst for urbanisation. The efficiency simplicity of the bicycle brings people together.

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