Sunday 27 October 2013

Urban Design: The Compact City 
Compact city urban development in UK

   Compact city is an urban concept that promotes a relatively high population density with mixed land uses. It is based on efficient transport systems. The compact city has a layout that promotes walking and cycling. This compact urbanization is said to be more sustainable as compared to that of an urban sprawl as it is less dependent on cars and therefore, requiring less infrastructure capita. The main characteristics of a compact city are;
- Central area revitalisation
- High density development
- Mixed use development
- Services and facilities such as hospitals, parks, schools, leisure and fun. 
                      George Dantzig                                    Thomas L. Saaty

   The term "Compact City" was coined by mathematicians, Thomas L. Saaty and George Dantzig, whose vision was to see a more efficient use of resources.

Compact city concept.

   There are strong arguments surfacing that says compact cities is the most sustainable urban form. The concept is relatively simple. By housing a higher percentage of people in multi-family and mixed use developments, the need for driving is reduced. Also by arranging and designing the streets to be more pedestrian friendly, people are encouraged to walk and cycle instead. Planning and concentrating job areas in selected zones as well as spending more on mass transport systems instead of highways are other ways to increase sustainability.

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